Success Story 4: 74 YO F
Pre Treatment

Initial Situation
Obvious neck deformity from large right thyroid nodule. Normal thyroid function. She had tried radioactive iodine for a nodule on in the past which only worked on one side. She wishes to eliminate deformity but adamantly refuses surgery. Does not want to remove a functioning organ. Biopsies benign x 2. TSH normal at 1.8. Nodule volume 70 ml
70 ml nodule ablated with 15 mm RFA probe using 252,621 joules.
One Month Post

She states symptoms of tightness much improved. Notes significant decrease in nodule size. Nodule now 46 ml in volume, TSH now 5.45. 34% volume reduction
Three Months Post

She states she notices some improvement. Nodule now 42.5 ml in volume. TSH now back to normal at 3.55. 40% volume reduction
Six Months Post

She still feels not nodule feels smaller. Now measures 41.2 ml in volume. 42% volume reduction
18 Months Post

Contact Us
2320 N. Third Street
Phoenix, AZ 85004
tel: 602-889-2923
fax: 602-889-2925
Opening Hours
Mon - Thur
7:30 am – 4:30 pm
7:30 am – 4:00 pm
Closed M-F
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm