General Principles for the Safe Performance, Training, and Adoption of Ablation Techniques for Benign Thyroid Nodules: An American Thyroid Association Statement
Background: The primary goal of this interdisciplinary consensus statement is to provide a framework for the safe adoption and implementation of ablation technologies for benign thyroid nodules.
This consensus statement is organized around three key themes:
(1) safety of ablation techniques and their implementation,
(2) optimal skillset criteria for proceduralists performing ablative procedures, and
(3) defining expectations of success for this treatment option given its unique risks and benefits.
Ablation safety considerations in pre-procedural, peri-procedural, and post-procedural settings are discussed, including clinical factors related to patient selection and counseling, anesthetic and technical considerations to optimize patient safety, peri-procedural risk mitigation strategies, post-procedural complication management, and safe follow-up practices. Prior training, knowledge, and steps that should be considered by any physician who desires to incorporate thyroid nodule ablation into their practice are defined and discussed. Examples of successful clinical practice implementation models of this emerging technology are provided.

Sinclair, C. F., Baek, J. H., Hands, K. E., Hodak, S. P., Huber, T. C., Hussain, I., Lang, B. H., Noel, J. E., Papaleontiou, M., Patel, K. N., Russ, G., Russell, J., Spiezia, S., & Kuo, J. H. (2023). General Principles for the Safe Performance, Training, and Adoption of Ablation Techniques for Benign Thyroid Nodules: An American Thyroid Association Statement. Thyroid : official journal of the American Thyroid Association, 10.1089/thy.2023.0281. Advance online publication.